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The Awakening: The Aegis of Merlin Book 2 Page 11

  Sonja quivered in place. “That’s an awesome idea! I could bind it to Blinky’s eyes. How cool would a fire blast from those red gems be? That wouldn’t mess with your earth bindings would it, Crystal?”

  “It shouldn’t.” The tall girl straightened up, nearly brushing her head on the low shed roof, and wiped sweat from her brow. “Its head doesn’t move anyway.”

  “This is going to be so great.” Sonja leapt up and kissed Conryu full on the lips. She seemed to realize what she’d done and backed away. “Sorry. Overexcited.”

  “It’s fine. Anything I can do to help?”

  Sonja shook her head. “I don’t think I’d better teach you spirit binding. If you do it we’re liable to end up with an elemental lord in Blinky’s head and the first time we use his fire blast the stadium will explode.”

  “Good point.” Conryu didn’t know the name of any elemental lords so he couldn’t very well bind one, but he didn’t bother arguing. “I’ll just pick up the shed.”

  Two hours later Sonja announced, “Done.”

  Blinky’s eyes glowed with an inner fire and bright red lines connected the red gems. In the now-realistic-looking spider the effect was quite intimidating.

  “Want to test it?” Conryu asked.

  “What did you have in mind?” Sonja asked.

  He’d saved three cans while he was cleaning and set them up out in the snow. “Try and hit them.”

  “They’re awfully small.” Crystal gave the targets a dubious look.

  Sonja on the other hand was bouncing with excitement. “But if we can hit those a golem will be a cinch. You guys line him up and I’ll look through the spirit’s eyes. When it’s in position I’ll fire.”

  Crystal muttered in the language of earth magic and the spider twitched then started to move. It climbed down from the table, its six-inch talons digging into the dirt floor.

  Conryu scrambled out of the way, hugging the wall in hopes that he’d be clear of the ungainly thing. When the head was facing the general direction of the cans Sonja made a sharp hiss. A lance of crimson energy shot out from the eyes and burned a hole ten inches from the center can. Crystal wiggled her fingers and the golem moved a fraction.

  Sonja hissed again and the fire blast struck the middle can dead center, melting it in half.

  “Bullseye!” Conryu said.

  After a little more adjusting the remaining cans were reduced to slag. Sonja jumped up and down, clapping her hands. “We are so going to win this year.”

  After the successful test Conryu was in high spirits. Sonja’s enthusiasm was infectious. The little blond got so excited about anything to do with her precious golem it was almost comical. He’d been meaning to ask her why she was so into golem crafting, but he never thought of it until they’d all gone their separate ways. Oh well, it didn’t make much difference anyway.

  “Conryu Koda?”

  He spun, the words of “Cloak of Darkness” on his lips. He hadn’t been attacked in months, but he still remained constantly on guard. A woman in a red robe—a teacher not a student unless he was badly mistaken.

  “Ma’am?” He relaxed a bit. It wasn’t likely one of the teachers would attack him.

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you. I’m Amelia Light. I teach third-year fire magic. I saw your display on the beach the other day and I wanted to say how impressed I was. You’ve learned a great deal in your first semester.”

  “Thank you. I didn’t really want to, but since people keep trying to kill me it seemed prudent to learn enough to hopefully keep myself alive. Was there something I can do for you?”

  “No, no. I was out for a walk and spotted you. I haven’t had a chance to introduce myself and thought I’d take the opportunity.”

  Conryu nodded. “I’m on my way back to the dorm. Would you like to walk with me?”

  “Thank you. That sounds lovely.”

  He held out his arm.

  She laughed and linked arms with him and the air temperature rose thirty degrees. Probably some spell she’d cast. “Such a gentleman. Did your father teach you manners?”

  “Dad’s a man of few words. What little I know I picked up from observation and old movies.”

  They walked along in silence, her hand growing steadily hotter on his arm. Halfway to the dorm it started to hurt. He muttered the Cloak of Darkness spell and focused it on his burning arm. Inky blackness sheathed it from shoulder to wrist. The heat vanished at once.

  “Is everything alright?” She looked down at his now-black arm.

  “Your hand was getting a little too hot to handle. Thought I’d cool myself down a bit.”

  She pulled away at once. “I’m so sorry. When I get distracted I sometimes lose focus. I hadn’t even noticed.”

  “It’s fine.” Thinking of Sonja he suspected that was a trait of fire wizards in general. “Shall we?”

  “I’m turning off here. I’m First Sister at one of the sororities. It was nice meeting you.” Ms. Light headed toward the lake where the bungalows perched on the shore, leaving Conryu alone on the path.

  He watched her for a few seconds then shrugged. What an odd woman. It was only a short walk to the doors and when he pushed them open he found Maria sitting in the lounge, a pale wood box on her lap. The moment he entered she leapt to her feet.

  “Hey. Long time no see.” He’d hardly said two words to her since the day he mentioned the midterm.

  “Yeah, sorry about that. I’ve been working like crazy on my wards. Mrs. Alustrial says I’m now number three in our class. Not exactly where I want to be, but way better than middle of the pack.”

  “Congratulations. What’s that?” He eyed the box and raised an eyebrow.

  “My most recent practice piece. I think it’s my best work yet. I want you to test it.”

  Conryu bit his lip. This wasn’t going to end well. “Are you sure you want me to do it? Maybe one of the other girls…”

  “No. If my wards can survive you they’ll survive anything. Please?” She deployed the sad puppy face and he was defeated.

  “Okay. Got a piece of paper and pen?”

  Of course, being Maria, she did. Conryu sat at the nearest table and drew out the basic breaking circle. When he finished he placed it flat on the surface. Maria’s box barely fit inside.

  He placed his hands on either side and whispered, “Break.”

  Dark magic flared and a hiss rose from the box as wisps of white energy flew off it. He flipped the lid open revealing the empty interior.

  He glanced at Maria who was frowning at him. “What?”

  “How much power did you put into that?” She sounded angry. He’d done exactly what she asked and somehow he’d still made her mad.

  “I don’t know. Enough to break the wards and not enough to disintegrate the box. That’s what I was going for at least. Why?”

  “I thought you were holding back.” She sat across from him and studied the box.

  “I was holding back. Didn’t I tell you what happened the first time I tried that spell?”

  When she indicated he hadn’t Conryu told her.

  “You turned the block to dust?”

  “Yeah. I’m under strict instructions never to use full power unless it’s an emergency.”

  “I watched your casting with wizard sight. I’m guessing you used less than five percent of your full power. I don’t think the midterm will be a problem for you.”

  Lady Mockingbird shivered as she walked back to the sorority house. She liked to get close to her prey before she attacked and to that end she’d sought out Conryu, knowing he’d be leaving his club late in the morning. When he offered to walk with her it had been too sweet an opportunity to let go. The boy had even passed her little test. She could make her hand so hot it would melt steel. His Cloak of Darkness had negated it in an instant.

  In that moment she’d gotten a taste of his potential. The power in that simple spell was unfathomable. She’d never experienced anything like it, even whe
n she met Lady Tiger and became a Sub-Hierarch. Besides Lady Dragon and their imprisoned mistress, she’d never imagined anyone could be stronger than a Hierarch. She’d been mistaken. It was well that she was ending him now, before he gained mastery of his magic. Lady Mockingbird doubted anyone would be able to defeat him once that happened.

  The door girl opened up at her approach. One of her sweetlings was always watching so she wouldn’t have to stoop to opening the portal herself. The pale, dark-haired girl bowed her head as she strode past.

  The moment she was inside and out of sight meek Amelia Light vanished and dominating Lady Mockingbird appeared. Her confident stride echoed through the quiet halls as she made her way to the casting chamber in the basement. Her superiors required an update and the meeting was to take place in fifteen minutes.

  She entered the dark room and sealed it with a word and a gesture. Her pale-blue mask rested on an ornate end table. Lady Mockingbird tied the mask on and adjusted it until the eye holes were in place.

  Time had no meaning in the windowless chamber so she had no real idea how long she’d been waiting when the familiar tingle ran through her. “Take me to the place where all are one.” A moment later the shadowy forms of the others appeared, including the most hated Lady Raven.

  Lady Dragon appeared directly in front of her and seemed to lean forward. “Report.”

  “Mistress, I have made all the necessary preparations and will acquire the artifact over winter break. When the time is ripe I will end the abomination.”

  “And how does he progress?” Lady Wolf asked.

  “Given his natural deficiencies as a man, he’s making remarkable progress. I’ve felt his power directly and it is… remarkable.”

  “How remarkable?” Lady Dragon asked.

  Lady Mockingbird knew a loaded question when she heard it. Should she admit that in terms of raw power Conryu was stronger than any of them? No, nothing good could come from that. “As strong as any student I’ve ever encountered in my time here, that’s for sure.”

  Lady Dragon leaned back. “Indeed. It is well that you’re going to deal with him then, isn’t it?”

  Lady Dragon vanished, leaving the unspoken threat hanging between them. The others faded away until only Lady Raven remained. The hag shot her an insolent grin before she disappeared. No doubt she’d enjoyed seeing the threats directed at Lady Mockingbird for a change. Unlike Lady Raven, she would not fail in her task.

  Conryu Koda was going to die at her hand.


  The Grand Brawl

  Conryu, Sonja, and the rest of the golem club, along with Star Blinky of course, rode across the lake in a water boat. It was a bitterly cold December morning, and the bright, cloudless day did nothing to add to the heat. Fortunately, Sonja was more than up to the task of heating the air, or at least she would be once they reached shore. As a fire magic user, being out on the water made her seasick in the most noisy fashion possible.

  When she finished throwing up for the third time in five minutes Conryu handed her a square of cloth without comment. At the rear of the boat the water wizard tasked with transporting them to the island let out a low chuckle. Like most wizards in her specialty she harbored an irrational dislike of all fire wizards. The glare she shot Conryu indicated she wasn’t overly fond of men, or at least male wizards, either.

  “Better?” he asked.

  “No.” She groaned and let out a little burp. “I won’t feel better until I’m back on solid ground.”

  The boat wobbled, and Sonja took his arm in a death grip. Conryu patted her hand in a vain attempt to calm the terrified wizard.

  Overhead a black, dual rotor helicopter came in for a landing near the center of the island. It had a shield and some letters on its side, but he couldn’t make out what they said.

  Earth magic users had spent the last three days raising a temporary stadium where this year’s teams would hold the Grand Brawl. All told thirteen teams would be participating this year, including one team that flew all the way from the Republic of Australia.

  It was the first time a team from outside the Alliance had competed. The rumor was they wanted to turn the Grand Brawl into the winter version of the Four Nations Tournament. The Department of Magic had even approved one tv station’s request to broadcast the event worldwide. At least no reporters had come searching for him yet. Though he feared it was only a matter of time.

  “Do you recognize the emblem on that helicopter?” Conryu hoped a little conversation would help settle Sonja’s nerves.

  She looked up at the slowly descending chopper. “Never seen it before. Some of the clubs have rich sponsors who pay their expenses and buy the best material in exchange for the teams wearing robes with the sponsor’s symbol and name. This may be the first time anyone’s arrived by helicopter. Showoffs.”

  The boat reached the edge of the island and Sonja leapt out, splashing through the foot-deep water and up onto the beach. When she got clear of the water Sonja was soaked from the knees down.

  Conryu joined her, moving out of the way to let the others guide Blinky ashore. “You’ll catch your death standing out here in those soaked robes.”

  Sonja chanted in the hissing language of fire and the air around them warmed to a comfortable sixty degrees. Her pants and robe steamed and were soon fully dry. Blinky clambered up the beach and she repeated the spell, drying the golem before it rusted. Conryu figured it would be nothing but scrap in short order, but he wasn’t stupid enough to point that out.

  Blinky led the way down one of the many paths that went to the center of the island where the arena awaited. Snow-covered branches hung over the path and every once in a while a chill flurry would fall on his head. It melted quickly enough in Sonja’s heat, leaving his hair damp.

  What sort of designs had the other teams come up with? He doubted there would be any other spiders. The legs made it far too vulnerable. If he’d been in charge of designing a golem he would have gone with a scorpion. The grasping claws and smashing tail would make a formidable combination.

  The trail opened up into a wide, empty field with a crude earthen amphitheater in the center. The sides were about twenty feet high and platforms surrounded it. An opening would allow the golems to enter while the teams stood up above and guided them, a safe distance from the action. Wind like a hurricane from the departing chopper sent their robes snapping.

  A number of tents had been set around the perimeter of the arena and the various teams were gathered under them, fiddling with their creations. He didn’t know what they were doing at this late date. He doubted there was time for much fine tuning.

  “Conryu Koda!”

  “Aw, shit.” He knew that voice. A second later the familiar figure of Kat Gable and a cameraman came running toward them. She was bundled in a heavy parka and her mitten-covered hands grasped a microphone.

  Sonja looked up at him. “Friend of yours?”

  “More like a stalker. Out of all the reporters in the world why did it have to be her?”

  Kat arrived and thrust the microphone at him. “I understand you’re on the academy team. How do you like your chances?”

  “Sonja Chard is our team captain. I’m sure she can answer all your questions.” He nudged the tiny blond closer to the reporter. “We need to set up.”

  Conryu turned to join Crystal and the others as they headed for the academy tent. Kat lunged for his arm, but he evaded her with ease. He rushed to put as much distance between himself and the reporter as possible.

  Despite the distance he heard Sonja chattering on about how awesome Blinky was to the indifferent Kat. Conryu smiled. If anyone could out-talk the reporter it was Sonja. It was like a verbal death match. Conryu knew who he was rooting for.

  They reached a multicolored tent with the academy’s sigil, a book and scroll, on the side. Waiting for them was Dean Blane, Maria, and the only person he wanted to see less than Kat, Angus.

  He hugged Maria and turned to the professor. �
�It’s not Sunday. What brings you here?”

  “I rode in with a lovely young reporter in exchange for an interview, though she only wanted to talk about you, which was somewhat annoying. Still, I am the world’s foremost expert on male wizards so I suppose it’s only natural she’d want to speak to me.”

  “Of course. In fact I think she was looking for you just now.” Conryu waved his hand in the direction they’d just come from. “If you hurry you might catch her.”

  Angus peered the way he’d indicated. “I can’t imagine why she’d want to talk to me again. I thought she’d be eager to speak to you.”

  “You should go ask her. If nothing else you could rescue our team captain so we can finish our prep work.”

  “Very well. I’ll free the damsel from the dragon.” Angus ambled off. Conryu smiled and shook his head. It would be interesting to discover who was the dragon and who the damsel. Once she got going Sonja could talk a blue streak.

  “Didn’t take you long to get rid of him,” Maria said.

  “He and Kat deserve each other.” Conryu turned his attention to Dean Blane. “What brings you down so early?”

  “As the school’s representative I have to be here to welcome all the competitors, tell them the rules, that sort of thing. It’s boring, but I do get the best spot for the Brawl.”

  “Who made the dramatic entrance just now?” The departing helicopter had shrunk to a dot in the distance.

  “That would be Team Black Viper. They’re a military contractor using the Brawl to test a new design. They’re the odds-on favorite to take the whole thing every year they compete.”

  “Don’t underestimate Star Blinky.” Sonja strutted over to the group looking puffed up after her interview. “We’re going to surprise some people this year.”

  “Did Angus spring you?” Conryu asked.

  “Who’s Angus?” Conryu described him and Sonja shook her head. “I didn’t see him. Kat said she needed to interview some of the other contestants and left. It was kind of a shame. I was just getting going on our new design.”